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Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's me again

Posted by GreenCloud at 10:23 AM
I just wanted to post something i really thought was interesting. I'm a big fan of and i just read an article with the title "10 Long Awaited Conspiracy Theories". 
The number 1 spot caught my attention about a guy named Tom Ogle. I'll just quote the article here for you to read :
"You have probably never heard of him.  Tom Ogle invented a vapor-fuel intake system, in 1977, for all automobiles.  His system could be affixed to any existing car engine, and would enable the car to travel 100 miles on one gallon of gas.  He claimed that the emissions were clean enough that you could dry your hair with the exhaust.  He astounded the auto industry with his invention, and was, in fact, approached in 1978 by a representative of Shell Oil, who offered him $20 million, on the spot, for the patent and plans to his invention.  He refused, stating flatly that Shell would simply shelve the idea and it would never see the light of day.
Tom Ogle was found dead from an apparent overdose of Darvon and alcohol poisoning on 19, August, 1981.  He had been known to drink, but never so heavily that he had to go to the hospital.  The Darvon is the weakest link to the report that his death was an accidental suicide: Darvon is an opioid painkiller.  It does nothing else, and Ogle had no history of using it. He also had no immediate history of pain requiring an opioid analgesic.  The theory states that he was murdered by a Shell-hired assassin, who made it look like a suicide.  He actually got his fuel system patented, on 11 December, 1979, with patent number 4,177,179.  He was shot and wounded outside an El Paso, TX, bar earlier in the summer of 1981.  He claimed that people were after him for his patent.  Three months after his death, his original schematics and blueprints went missing from the Patent Office in Washington, DC.  Some of his schematics have turned up on the Internet, but not enough have surfaced to actually build his device."
I don't know why but this actually sounds pretty damn possible to me.But usually i believe conspiracy theories(not believe but think that there is at least some truth in them ) so call me crazy =.= .
Meh i guess I'll start to write a journal kind of thingy sometime soon. I should have a goodbye motto or something . I'll think about it.. :) Bye!~
Wait I wanna put a picture or something^


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